The B E S T first impression
takes the crown👑!
Your first impression is everything! Upon first glance, people will already make split-second decisions regarding your character. The BEST headshot could take the CROWN!
It is vital that your headshot shows the best version of who you are and that your image conveys a story, feelings, and character that's truly you. Let's show them just how AMAZING you really are!
You have the option to request professional hair and make up by our amazing MUA, includes jewelry access plus full beauty guidance. All you have to do is show up and trust the process.”
We are Tyler-based, specializing in a modern, yet beauty styled headshot session, so that you stand out from the rest!
• On Location Only (I'll come to you and set up in your office/home at your convenience)
• Up to 3 hours for Pageant Headshots
• 2 Looks (With the option to purchase additional digitals)
• 2 Backgrounds Options
• 8 Digital Images
• What should I bring to my session?
Bring several articles of clothing with you. Make sure they are colors that you look great in, outfits that are interesting and styles to ensure you have both casual and formal looks. Please stay away from busy patterns.
**If you are a current titleholder, don’t forgot your sash and crown!
• How should I prepare for my session?
Please be sure you are prepared, you have had a fresh haircut and color and have have been taking care of your skin, Everything reflects in the photograph and we want you to be a prepared as possible. Please know that your nails may show in the photos, so make sure they are a color you are okay with if they are painted. Please wax your eyebrows or any area of your skin that will show in photos, at least 2 days BEFORE your photo shoot. Make sure when waxing, that you wax your upper lip and eyebrows; they are time consuming in the retouching department for up close headshots.
• Do you offer retouching?
You will receive your images via a private gallery link in your email. From this site, you can select a the particular number of images with your package, they will already have lighting adjustments done, but once you choose them, I will do a detailed retouching to them and update the link with in 72 hours. I will then email you your final image(s). Also, your print release is within your contract, once completed, you can save or print, so you can print your images at the lab of your choice.
For Pageant Headshots:
• Please have with you two clothing options and keep your style in mind! Here are some ideas, as well.
• Dress(es) that make you feel beautiful, sexy & professional.
• Tops that you love and a pair of jeans (if you are a jeans wearer)
• Appropriate bras & shape wear for each outfit. Don’t forget to have a strapless bra, if needed and make sure to pay attention to the color of bra and if it will show through your clothing.
• Any beautiful accessories that you love (jewelry, hat, scarves, etc.)
• I recommend bringing a variety of colors.
• Form fitting clothes photograph much better and are more flattering!
• I recommend NOT doing a spray tan! The only exception is if you have done spray tans in the past and work with someone who is really good and you know does not leave any orange/tan color streaks on your hands or anywhere else. Recommendation; (Sami with Gypsy Glow in Tyler, is who I use and she's amazing; If you call her, tell her I sent you and it's for your headshot session).
Thank you for contacting us!